Crystallize Home What Can Minerals In The Interior Decoration


A detailed guide for the expert arrangement of crystals in the rooms – for peace and harmony

Philosophical teachings and books have been written about how to better arrange the house. No wonder, because the house is our shelter and a place that accepts us for who we are.

For the sake of beauty and coziness, we are ready to spend a fortune, reluctantly throwing out old rubbish, studying the metaphysics of simple things. A couple of years ago, the whole world read a book about holes in the Hygge – the Scandinavian philosophy of comfort. The idea of ​​”living here and now, enjoying every moment in a cozy atmosphere” was liked by many. Following the popularity of the show won the Marie Kondo, where the Japanese learns to surround herself only with things that we are tuned in and that bring joy. Both hygge and Kondo issued dozens of manuals on how to fix the weather in the house, are actually designed to solve a more global problem. They promise us to find inspiration and inexhaustible resource.

How To Start The Arrangement

The first step is to see the space around us not as a collection of soulless things, but as a system of objects with which we interact, which endow with meaning and roles. The second step is to clear the space, leave what serves and helps now, and give back what is no longer needed.

The main rules of a conscious approach are to consume less, not litter, regularly clean, extend life to old things, give or sell items that are unnecessary but still able to serve. What’s next? From what we will add coziness and how we will turn our house into a kingdom of high vibrations.

  • Books? Mandatory.
  • Art and photography? Inspirational.
  • Textiles and travel souvenirs? Colorful.
  • Aroma candles? Romantic.
  • Crystals? Please read more.

Finding the right place for crystals in the house is an important task. We will help you orient and arrange the crystals so that they work at full strength.

Entrance To The House, Corridor Or Hallway: Dark Minerals

This is the best area for stones of dark colors, with absorbent and protective properties. They will become a kind of filter for uninvited guests, bad news and other objectionable energy. The most suitable are black obsidian and black tourmaline. The last South American shamans put at their feet at night to get rid of feelings of anxiety and insomnia, used to protect in an unsafe environment.

Black obsidian is also able to become a guard on the doorstep of the house, but historically it has often been used as a weapon, therefore it has more active energy. Remember the dragon glass from Game of Thrones? This is obsidian. Healers use it to carry out operations on energy bodies and use it if it is necessary to detect the dark side of a person, which is usually hidden.

Living Room: Selenite, Rhinestone

All family members gather here and there are guests, so I want to maintain a lively and friendly atmosphere. This is no less important than airing the room. According to practitioners, the best option for the living room is selenite, a mineral with dynamic energy. In its raw form, it looks like a rod of white or golden hue, with a silky sheen – similar to an object of modern art. However, it is often used to create shapes – hearts, spheres, pyramids. From processing, the stone does not lose its properties.

The second option is rock crystal in the form of a hexagonal prism or druse (an intergroup of crystals). According to the healers, a powerful light field is formed around the druse due to the reflection of light at different angles of faces. Druza helps to show himself on the bright side in society and the family.

Bedroom: Amethyst

In this space we restore power and are naked in every sense of the word. Against the background of the frenzied dynamics of the modern world, the bedroom should become a place where time slows down. Of the stones, amethysts live well here. Healers call amethyst a natural tranquilizer for soothing properties and help in falling asleep, so place it near a bed or even under a pillow.

Amethyst crystals – a powerful positive force that eliminates sadness, pacifies. Historically, amethyst adorned the crowns of monarchs and is still a traditional mineral for the rings of Catholic bishops as a symbol of connection with God.

Bathroom: Rose Quartz

In the zone of relaxation and self-care, preparation for a meeting with the outside world, I would like to invite something tender and beautiful. Rose quartz is a stone that embodies the energy of unconditional love, teaches gratitude to life and self-acceptance. Unlike white quartz, pink does not grow in crystals, so in natural form it is a stone of a soft pink hue.

Alternatively, polished prisms or pebbles can live in the bathroom. The latter is especially popular for baths with a quartz elixir. Just plunge to the bottom a few rounded stones and dive after them. Rose quartz is the most popular stone in the beauty industry: it does not leave women indifferent and symbolizes the words “every person is beautiful.”

Cabinet: Pyrite, Fluorite

Minerals in the office – a familiar picture. On the table, status workers of the late Soviet era had malachite stands for pens or caskets. But it is worth taking a look at the design of the workspace in a new way. In the office you need to be focused and effective, to be able to catch a sensible idea in a stream of thoughts and show talent.

Try to put pyrite here. It grows in cubes, and it is easy to find an attractive specimen of an ideal geometric shape. Practitioners will say that its glow is able to charge others with the energy of the sun. The Incas of the Middle Ages polished pyrite, used it as a mirror and as an instrument for rituals of predictions. He helped shamans achieve crystal clarity of consciousness. We propose putting pyrite on the desktop as an energy booster for performing complex tasks, making informed decisions, and unlocking the unlimited potential of the brain.

In the vicinity of pyrite, fluorite may also appear, which also grows in nature in the geometrical form of the octahedron. This stone is loved by yogis because it works with Ajna (which means “wisdom”, “knowledge”), the energy center in the area of ​​the eyebrows. Brilliant thoughts, bright ideas, original projects – this is all to fluorite.

Children: Celestine, Anglesite, Fluorite

For newborns and young children, healers recommend stones with calm, light vibrations, such as celestin or anglesite. The first grows with sky-blue crystals in drusen, the second is found in the form of smooth opaque pebbles. Both stones can be called good fairies.Teenager children like to give fluorite to develop their internal potential. Incidentally, it glows under fluorescent light, fascinates with its bright and iridescent shades.

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